Saturday, April 2, 2011

Random Thoughts

Jada Pinkett Smith, the actress and wife of Will Smith, was a good childhood friend of rapper Tupac Shakur up until his death in 1996. She claimed they had a “platonic romance” and Tupac is quoted saying “Jada is my heart. She will be my friend for my whole life.” He has also written multiple poems about her in his book of poetry, The Rose That Grew From Concrete. Although neither has admitted to having a sexual relationship, it is safe to at least speculate that they did. If this is the case, it would mean that Jada has had sex with the greatest rapper and the biggest movie star of my generation. Anyone else who has had sex with her should consider a career in entertainment, cause she may have a magic vagina.

NCAA Basketball
As I’m writing this, Virginia Commonwealth has just been eliminated by Butler from the NCAA tourney. I have never been so happy for an underdog to lose. Had VCU won, it would have justified expanding the tourney from 65 to 68 teams, which could justify further expansion. In three years, we would have a 128 team tourney that would last two months and four pieces of paper per bracket.
Also, VCU won the play-in round, which was comprised of 8 teams playing for 4 spots, which the NCAA insisted to calling “Round One,” meaning that the other 60 teams who started playing in “Round Two,” got a bye in the 1st round. Stupid. NCAA, please, just let the tourney be. It’s fine as it is.

When I’m at the laundromat, and I see someone with a huge pile of clothes, I wonder how clean the clothes they’re currently wearing are.
I do my laundry at the Lavanderia, and I’m always embarrassed because I’m by far the worst one there at folding clothes.

Isaiah Thomas
A few weeks I wrote about Isaiah Thomas assuming he was coming back to the Huskies next year. I have no idea why he decided to forego his senior season, but it is a shame. Instead of being one of the top 5 Huskies of all time, he will be remembered as a mediocre NBA-er. The 2011-12 Huskies are going to be, if not terrible, really ugly to watch. Unless one of their freshmen improves dramatically, it is going to be a down season. There will be way too much pressure on Abdul Gaddy as the only true ball handler, no inside offensive game, and too many one dimensional perimeter shooters. Hopefully I’m wrong, or Terrance Ross will be better than expected, or the Pac-12 will be weak, or Aziz will learn to score, or Thomas will gain some sense and withdraw (he doesn’t yet have an agent), but barring all of these “what-ifs,” expect the Huskies to be out of contention before February.

1 = 0.999…
I just learned that 1 = 0.999…, which doesn't make any sense, but can be mathematically proven. Here’s the proof:
Given:                                                     1/9 = 0.111…
Multiply both sides by 9:                    9 x 1/9 = 0.111… x 9
Therefore:                                                  1 = 0.999…

Another way to come to the same result using variables:
Given:                                                          y = 0.999…
Multiply each side by 10:                          10y = 9.999…
Subtract y from each side:                   10y - y = 9.999… - .999…, or
                                                                 9y = 9
Divide each side by 9:                                 y = 1
Therefore:                                         y = 1 and y = 0.999… and  1 = .999…

Seattle Mariners
They are terrible. No matter how hot they start, don’t jump on board. They will only let you down. They shouldn’t be as bad as last year, but that was one of the worst baseball teams EVER.
I do expect Ichiro to have an amazing year, because of the devastation that occurred in Japan. He will be constantly thinking about the Japanese people, and his performance will become a source of inspiration for the country. Count on it.

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