Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Homocide=Murder of a Human
Genocide=Murder of an Ethnic/Racial Group
Regicide=Murder of a King
Applecide(r)=Murder of an Apple?


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Walking Tour of West Seattle Landmarks

Wow. It has been over a whole year since I’ve updated my blog. In that time period, I’ve had inspiration for articles and the motivation to write, but never both at the same time. My job requires me to compose articles on a daily basis, which wears me down for recreational writing. But I’m trying to get back to posting on a semi-regular basis, so let’s see how that goes.
For my first blog since the wildly popular Dual SurvivalDrinking Game, I have a walking tour of West Seattle that hits some unheralded and unknown landmarks. Any true West Seattleite knows about Lincoln Park, Husky Deli, and Alki Beach (if you haven’t been to these, VISIT THEM), so I want to shine the spotlight on some quirky spots that you may not have seen.
You can certainly drive the route, but with the recent warm weather, I recommend getting out and stretching your legs. The walk is around 4 miles, so it isn’t short, but it is a fun way to spend an afternoon. Special thanks to my sister, April, for helping with the photography. I hope to do more of these, so this blog will focus only on landmarks west of California Avenue. Enjoy!